Melbournesparks (Alexander) came over for a visit on the newly minted tramway for a run today and brought his very nice Sydney tram motor and trailer to run along with the 2-4-2
Most powerful Steam motor of all time?
Passing the goods shed
Crossing the road
The C-16 was cut in for a loco transfer
Quadriple header!
Double heading across the bridge with some odd cargo...
Many steam motors were relegated to industrial service after they finished as trams
Alexander was kind enough to bring his track scrubber over (the yellow van) and so after he left I ran a few different track powered trains. Here we see No.9 on a trip train
And later on with No.7 Deputising
Ore wagons relegated to MOW service stored out the front of the old goods shed...
I also started on my second Newquida carriage conversion and will do a post outlining that process soon